Thursday, September 21, 2006


i hate everyone else on the bus except me and that old hispanic lady

i freaking hate people on the bus. if i didn't love riding the bus so much i swear i'd stop. it's pretty much ruined by three types of idiots:

the idiot who takes up too many spaces
he has a variety of techniques, putting his foot up, placing his bag there, or simply positioning himself in a way that his girth spills over to another seat. i'm not talking about heavy people, just lazy inconsiderate a-holes.

the idiot who sits on the outside seat, blocking the vacant seat
yes you eff-head. there are old ladies with vertigo and men with prosthetics performing Ringling Brothers like acrobatic feats of balance because you are are so far removed you can't get your ass over to the window. either move, or let me kick you in the crotch. it's well deserved.

the idiot who argues with the drive about the fare
yes, i know, the quarter fare is really breaking the bank. either sit down and shut the hell up or get out of my bus so i can go back to hating the other idiots on this bus.

i love the bus too. in the last month i've met an ex-convict who made me wanted to date me. (but he's not my type.) and i met this drug dealer who could hook me up with just about anything for a great deal. i just bought pot.

but the bus is too expensive.
I don't take the bus. I drive a car that runs on the blood of baby seals.
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