Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I hate people who don't wear watches out of principle

I hate a lot of things so I am happy that I was finally invited to be part of this blog. The first thing I want to talk about are people that think they are better than other people because they don't wear a watch. I've felt this way since some time in college but was reminded of it when I read this comment on a blog:

"some of us are too encumbered by carrying time on our backs that the idea of carrying time on our wrists just doesn't seem that appealing. for the rest of you, good luck with the watch thing. i'm carrying too much as it is."

This dude is a grown man and he really can't figure out how to enjoy life AND wear a watch?

I went to school with hippies and some of them liked to talk about how happy they were because they didn't wear watches. I saw this situation playout before me countless times:

You asked the nice fellow sitting next to you if he knows the time. Then out of nowhere he gives a monologue about how not only does he not know the time but how he doesn't wear a watch and how he doesn't believe in time or man-made limits like that. Then he begins to explain how much more free he is than everyone else because he isn't held down by constraints like watches.

I run into this attitude every so often and because of my interactions with these people I've realized that I HATE people that don't wear watches out of principle. I HATE THEM.

I have two responses to these people:

1. If you own a cell phone its the same thing as a watch.
2. I'll bet five dollars you looked at a clock in order too show up to your mother effing Phish Concert on time.


that last comment is hilarious.

and it's true. i'm against the not wearing a watch attitude also.
That is so true. Jordan, you are so cool and pretty.
your first post and you already have a secret admirer?
who do you have to sleep with to get an invite?
don't be so judgemental. some of us don't wear watches because we suffer from a condition. i have wrist claustrophobia. and easy-wrist-sweatiness.
that, and i can tell the time simply by looking at the sun. it's currently night.

hey aaron, you wanna come in for a nightcap?
that hippie also always curses* under his breath when he misses the bus and doesn't know why.

I own many watches, and am all for them (in theory) but I kind of hate wearing them. Ooooh, this may be a good time to set up a dialectic.

*see also: swears
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