Sunday, September 17, 2006


i never wanted fucking titles

actually i think i told aaron to add the option of titles to the posts. if so, i probably hate myself.

actually i know i hate myself. but not for that. i don't think i should explain myself hatred but one reason is because i'm too lazy to post on this thing everyday. but it's because of the title thing. or that's the excuse i use so i don't have to consciously hate myself.

i do hate the spellchecker (one word) option on this thing. i don't need it to tell me that i'm supposed to capitalize at the beginning of sentences. i choose not to capitalize. i find it offensive. especially capitalizing the 1st person singular i. how conceited can you be? are you supposed to capitalize any other pronoun?

finally, i may hate the title of our blog. actually i like it, but i know someone who does.

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