Monday, October 23, 2006
i hate being faked out
i'm certain on this one. it's not like my previous post where i declared my uncertainty about hating american english. i hate trying to sell a car (or anything for that matter). when i placed my sales ad on a stupid website i put the price for a reason, because that's how much the car will cost anyone that decides they want to buy it. it's not open for negotiation, others might fall for the buyer's tricks but not me. if you want it, pay me what i said I want. if not, i'll keep my car and you keep your stupid money. don't call me on my day off work to set up a time that's convenient for you, meaning i have to take more time from my day to make the car look presentable when you never have the intention to pay the price which i've made clear i'm selling the damn car for. don't bother telling me your lame and unoriginal stories about how many other cars you've looked at that are a little cheaper that you'll probably end up buying if i don't lower my price... you may think your lame ass story is tried and true, but it's not (the least you can do when your trying to rape me in my wallet is to be original and tell me something like: that you have a crippled grandma with cancer and an amputated leg that will only ride in a car exactly like mine). so this coupon is for you and your mom, mr. stupid-jerk-face:

(the use of the word "b*tch" is with no sexist connotation whatsoever, it's meant more along the lines of a "you-stupid-idiot" connotation)

(the use of the word "b*tch" is with no sexist connotation whatsoever, it's meant more along the lines of a "you-stupid-idiot" connotation)