Friday, October 06, 2006


i think god and satan are fighting over me

in my last entry, i mentioned i'm sympathetic towards satanists. did this bother god? i thought it didn't because either (1) (s)he doesn't exist or (2) (s)he knows my heart and finds my sense of humor refreshing. but maybe i don't understand god. i mean, if god is infinite and we're finite, how can we understand anything about god?

when i entered in the address for this website this morning, i was taken here. actually, i misspelled the address. i typed in instead of i guess my right-pinky is faster than my left-ring-finger.

this other jetpackcobras website is better than ours. there's information on the rapture and christ coming back to earth and how unsaved people sometimes look like they've been saved and the antichrist and the two witnesses and the pending russian invasion of isreal and everything you'd ever want to know about real christianity.

but i don't get it. there is no way this website's address actually has jetpackcobras in it. so how did i end up there? god? it's the only answer i can think of. so god doesn't want me to become a member of the church of satan and does want me to start getting prepared for the end of the world.

i know a lot of contributors like to talk about how they hate the internet. but i love it. i think it's like the best thing ever. and now, it may be the reason i end up in heaven.

I haven't seen one single artist depiction of a jet-pack-ed cobra on this site either. And I have some very serious concerns about Cobras and their Shoulderlack vis a vis jet-packs.
if you want to see a jet-pack cobra, watch this:
you have to watch for like four minutes before the jet-pack part.

the weird thing is that those cobras are fighting against jesus.
cobras wouldn't do that.
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