Friday, October 13, 2006
one thing i hate and another i love; it's like the circle of life, man (ps: aaron, did you see the lion king joke on the office tonight?)
what i currently hate:
i mean besides my dumpster slut brother. so wasn't there a blog defending provo on here earlier? or did i dream that? either way, the avoiding the appearance of evil was like the funniest thing i've read on this blog. so where did it go? i hate when people post funny blogs and then pull them.
what i love:
a month or so ago i came up with the best idea for a movie ever. ready for it? seriously, are you ready?

et-mothafucking-2!!! so the premise is that elliot is in graduate school (studying botany) and then the phone rings at his house and he answers it and it's et. he's phoning (elliot at) home. et asks elliot to visit his planet. elliot accepts. on et's planet, et is president of the world because he became a world-wide hero after he got back from earth. when elliot is on et's planet, he the watches a re-release of a movie called "get me off this planet". it's exactly like the earth movie called "et" except they have puppet humans. except in the re-release all the puppet humans have been replaced by cgi humans. then they want to do science experiments on elliot and et has to smuggle elliot back to earth.
i mean besides my dumpster slut brother. so wasn't there a blog defending provo on here earlier? or did i dream that? either way, the avoiding the appearance of evil was like the funniest thing i've read on this blog. so where did it go? i hate when people post funny blogs and then pull them.
what i love:
a month or so ago i came up with the best idea for a movie ever. ready for it? seriously, are you ready?

et-mothafucking-2!!! so the premise is that elliot is in graduate school (studying botany) and then the phone rings at his house and he answers it and it's et. he's phoning (elliot at) home. et asks elliot to visit his planet. elliot accepts. on et's planet, et is president of the world because he became a world-wide hero after he got back from earth. when elliot is on et's planet, he the watches a re-release of a movie called "get me off this planet". it's exactly like the earth movie called "et" except they have puppet humans. except in the re-release all the puppet humans have been replaced by cgi humans. then they want to do science experiments on elliot and et has to smuggle elliot back to earth.
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what if et phoned the wrong number and magically got a totally different elliot, one who didn't know what et was talking about, but decided to go with it anyways in hopes of furthering his botanical experience. that way we wouldn't have to run the risk of enduring any screentime with drew barrymore.
just an idea.
just an idea.
effing hilarious.
it would be sweet, if ET texted elliot though, don't you think?
he's all: hey man it's mE e. muthathucking t.! i rode around in that basket bitch! don't u remember?
it would be sweet, if ET texted elliot though, don't you think?
he's all: hey man it's mE e. muthathucking t.! i rode around in that basket bitch! don't u remember?
et would actually swear in his texts. what's up with the thucking? i mean everyone knows what you meant. so what's the difference. same goes for effing.
because people like shortening titles, I think the movie would be called E.2
but they would get Brett Ratner to direct and it would seriously blow reeses pieces.
but they would get Brett Ratner to direct and it would seriously blow reeses pieces.
i'm directing it. and the title will be e.t.ii: president of space. and no reeses pieces. or raid. or pizza hut. or pepsi. maybe i'll have star wars figurines in it, but i don't know. definitely it'll have a halloween scene with kids ets dressing up like human-ghosts. most of the product placement will be stuff from et's planet.
and i like the texting idea a lot.
and i like the texting idea a lot.
bull-fucking-shit you don't use swears. if you type effing or muthathucking you're using swears. what's the difference (except maybe some kind of holier-than-thou attitude)?
i think it's different. i don't like to use it in the written or spoken form.
but you really are great because you do. i envy your vernacular mastery.
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but you really are great because you do. i envy your vernacular mastery.
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