Tuesday, November 21, 2006
write what you know

new paragraph. but i still want to talk about tv as some kind of organism. i know little to no microbiology but i did used to date a microbiologist, so maybe this analogy won't be terrible. it'll be pretty bad, but i'm leaving it in.
here it goes:
what if tv is a virus? not like a virus but an actual virus. like it's this living thing that we don't see but it's always there. it's there an it uses us for it's own survival. like how viruses can mimic their hosts' dna, actually encoding itself into the host then using the host to reproduce itself. tv gets inside all of us tricking us into thinking that our original ideas for tv--what tv means, how important it is, ideas for tv shows, new technology for enhanced tv viewing, new ways to advertise on tv--are ours when really tv encodes itself inside of us and simply uses us to reproduce itself in more advanced and dangerous ways. when i say dangerous i'm not talking about tv violence spawning real-life violence. that's bullshit. i'm talking about a tv takeover. a takeover that none of will even recognize. it's possible it has already happened. tv uses us to continually re-create itself. but i don't think it's too bad yet. it seems like, while we definitely have to give up on liberal humanism, we can still be involved in determining what it means to be human or posthuman or some kind of cybernetic adaptation of humans and tv. or maybe we need new definitions of what it means to be human, one that recognizes tv as a defining characteristic shaping (and possibly controlling) human awareness and/or existence. just remember that you can no longer, in good conscience, call you thoughts your own.
for becky: this blog is about how i hate liberal humanism.
for everyone: i don't hate tv.
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right, tv is awesome.
aaron, i said it was an analogy because i didn't want to seem to paranoid. or, tv made me say it was an analogy so no one would take me too seriously.
aaron, i said it was an analogy because i didn't want to seem to paranoid. or, tv made me say it was an analogy so no one would take me too seriously.
i don't get it. but i read it at the same time as watching "Thirteen Going on Thirty" with three girls ranging from 6 1/2 to 9. so i'm going to go read it again. why am i writing this before reading it again? i'm not sure.
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