Saturday, February 17, 2007


i hate memory lane

i hate it when the first boy i ever said i love you to kills himself. i also hate that some asshole tries to tell me its not a big deal because our relationship was so long ago. effer.

i hate crying in front of people, especially when those people are my co-workers.

is this topic too intense for this blog? i agree. here are some other things i hate recently:

1. you find old journals and realize how dorky/cheesy you were/are.

2. you look at pictures that you haven't looked at in years and realize you weren't as cute as you thought you were.

3. i hate how bad i am at keeping in touch with people i love.

4. i hate the pervy old man with the dresser full of gay porn that melissa dog-sat for (this doesn't really have to do with memory lane, but i still hate him and his creepy house).

5. when an ex that you do want to forget exists won't let you. then you make it worse (or better?) by dating his younger brother.

6. i kind of actually like 1, 2, and 5.

7. i hate it when i realize i actually like half the things i just hated on (including the denim jumper)

i think it has to do with the way our brains are wired. sometimes i think of all these agents within my mind or different chemicals in my brain or whatever fighting for control of my identity. some of these things (which are but somehow aren't me) like totally different things. so most of my likes and beliefs are constantly changing based on which agents or chemicals are currently in control of my brain. but the real question is what part of me is aware of this conflict? is that just another chemical tricking me in a more sophisticated way? so i don't know about personal identity.
i think you were that cute, and still are.
Well said.
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